Buddy Walk National Down Syndrome Society - October 18th, 2015

It was a pretty cold family Sunday but for a great cause! My brother and sister in law were blessed four and a half years ago with their amazing son Mason Anthony Casterlin! In the past three years we have attended the Buddy Walk for the NDSS. The Minions were not there last year nor do I think my sister in law knew this when she designed the shirts, that this year would be different! We started to walk down the walkway as soon as we came in the gates and there he was! The exact Minion on our shirts! I don't have a picture but the back side of the shirts say "Mayor Mason's Minions"! Although cold, Daniel, Jessica and Mark Lowe (Lounge Lizard, Hillbilly) had an awesome time walking for this great cause!

I highly recommend this Fundraiser if you get a chance next year to check it out! 


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